Adaptive Accounting’s purchase ordering systems make it easier for you and your purchasing department to ensure you have the right stock, in the right place at the right time … and that you are paying the right price for it.
As well as the standard purchasing reports, Adaptive Accounting provides when generating manual Purchase Orders, Suggested Purchase Orders and a Purchase Order Planner are also available to help with raising purchase orders.
Acquisition costs can also be easily incorporated and the system can also offer a Trading System which will help you handle and control the purchasing and sales function in a single screen.
The Purchase Order Planner is a superb planning tool that helps you manage and schedule your purchases using an extended variety of criteria. This includes ales per day, buffer stock, lead times, in stock and on order quantities.
For manufacturers, the Planner provides two modes for ‘back flushing’ through Bill of Materials, calculating your component requirements based on what manufactured items you’ve sold or made.
Suggested purchase orders is a powerful yet easy to use purchasing aid when you need to quickly raise purchase orders. A single click of a button is reviews a range of pre-set criteria and generates suggested purchase orders which you can review, amend and confirm. This can be done for a single, or multiple suppliers across multiple depots.
Acquisition costs can be added to a purchase order and rolled up into the value of the stock being purchased. This gives you a flexible method of reflecting the actual cost of acquiring the stock you are purchasing. These costs automatically reflect in your stock valuations and hence, your margin reports. This means you report your margins more accurately, giving you a better picture of the performance of your business.
The trading system provides you with a single screen where all of the costs and the income associated with a trade can be collated and viewed, and the whole administrative process managed. This includes linking all incoming emails, outgoing emails, notes and documents against the trade. Trades can be used for any product that is traded such as meat, grain and raw materials.
Once the prospective sales’ details are entered, the system calculates the projected margins for the trade, all before the trader has been given authorization to give a commitment to the buyer or seller.
This gives you complete control over a process where margins are often razor thin and where control is often a bit hit and miss.
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